John Poché


John Poché Biography

Artist Statement:

Kinetic Sculpture has always fascinated me.  It helps that New Orleans has some wonderful examples for inspiration.  When I finally had some success in life I didn't get a car or a fancy watch, but a piece of Kinetic Sculpture.

My background is in Broadcasting and more specifically, software for Broadcasters.  Building Kinetic work brings some of the same kinds of complexity to creation that software does - the inner workings are far more involved than people see, but if what they do see isn't beautiful (in either it's execution or it's motion) than all the work under the surface is wasted.  

By definition Kinetic Artwork is very broad, encompassing work that's driven by light, sound, water, magnetism or electricity and using all kinds of materials.  My approach is very focused - lightweight, highly polished aluminum triggered exclusively by wind.